Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Golden Bay Proposed Shared Facility

Golden Bay Proposed Shared Facility

There have been several meetings about the Proposed Shared Facility. The idea is still in its initial stages, with many groups proposing big wish lists – there will be some reality checks once costing and feasibility has been established, but now is the time to think big and not let an opportunity pass.

The following groups have submitted wish lists:

Aikido – 25 members
Arts Council
Athletics – 85 members
Bridge Club – 43 members
Community workers
Hockey – 75 members
Mountain Bike – 120 members
Netball – 180 players
Rugby – 140 members
Search and Rescue – 35 members
Soccer – 172 members
Squash – 70 members
Swimming club – 110 members
Swimming generally
Tap Dancing – 100 members
Tennis – 140 members
Women’s Football – 20 members

There is of course some cross-over, some will be involved in more than one activity, but still, this already represents over 1300 people! There are many many more who will benefit hugely from such a facility.

The above groups have identified the need for the following facilities. There are no decisions here, just a summary of what has been talked about.

7 playing fields – 2 rugby, 2 hockey (1astroturf), 2 full sized soccer and 1 half sized. Four of the playing fields to be lit (2 rugby, 1 astro and 1 soccer). The rugby club would like a grandstand and soccer and hockey would like to have some field side shelter.

The soccer and rugby fields can be used for cricket and athletics in the summer and the A&P show.

3 netball courts and a warm up area and 4 tennis courts. The tennis courts already exist, but 2 to be resurfaced as part of this project.

Plenty of car parking – the quantity is yet to be established, but there needs to be enough for peak Saturday morning activity.

Heated, indoor, non chlorinated.
Three pools: 1 toddlers (400mm deep); 1 thereaputic and 1 lap pool.
The lap pool to be 6 lanes, 15m x 25m x 1.5m with starting blocks and spectator stands.
Changing rooms, hot showers and toilets.

Four main rooms: 1 sports hall; 2 squash courts; function / social room and a further hall.

The sports hall to be multi-lined with a sprung wooden floor for basketball, netball, volleyball, badminton, gymnastics, boxing, martial arts, keep fit, table tennis, and indoor training for rugby, tennis and soccer. Spectator seating has been identified for the sports hall.

The two squash courts with a movable centre wall so that doubles can be played. The floor area could also be used for aerobics, martial arts, yoga, keep fit and zumba.

The function / social room able to divided into two, with seating for 200. It should be adjacent to the bar and will provide a venue for conferences, weddings, functions. The bridge club could play in half of the room, search and rescue could use it as a training room.

A further hall with a wooden floor for tap dancing. This room could also be used for yoga, martial arts, indoor bowls and indoor training.

In addition to the above rooms a fitness centre and a combined emergency services coordination centre have also been mentioned.

Ideally the Combined emergency services coordination centre, would have an operations room and radio room where computers, maps, radios, charts etc will be left permanently set up. The fire brigade and civil defence would use this facility particularly if the town were to be evacuated eg in a flood. Search and Rescue would carry out their training in any of the four main rooms, or outside.

The communal facilities that have been identified are: bar; commercial kitchen; meeting rooms; viewing area; office / administration room; foyer (great space to rent out for art displays); a sick bay (small room with a bed for suspected concussion etc) and a multitude of changing rooms, showers and toilets, some with outside access some inside. All groups have identified the need for storage and some have asked for areas in which to display memorabilia.

There has been much misinformation about the effect a new facility in Golden Bay would have on the rates. Lloyd Kennedy, from TDC, has confirmed the following:

At present every household in Tasman District pays a District Facilities rate of approximately $42 and a shared facilities rate of approximately $52.  These may increase each year to pay the interest and principal repayments on any new projects approved by Council.  Should the Golden Bay community wish to uplift all the money available to them and build a new or upgraded facility, there would be an increase to the District Facilities rate of about $15-$16 per household in the Tasman District.

In addition there is a Facilities Operating Rate of approximately $25 for the purpose of meeting the operating costs of the various community facilities within the District, which Golden Bay Households currently do not pay - on the basis that there is no facility here in Golden Bay. If Golden Bay does build a facility it is most likely that Golden Bay
households will attract this Facilities Operating Rate.

In short, if Golden Bay goes ahead with the plans to build a new or upgraded facility there will be an increase of about $41 to each household in their rates.  However, if they do not take up the opportunity, another area may and there will still be an increase in the Facilities Rate, even though we are not getting much, if any, use of the Facility. There is also no guarantee that Golden Bay Households will continue to be exempt from the Facilities Operating Rate as they are at present - facility or no facility.

The most important thing about this Facility is that it reaches as many of the Golden Bay population as possible – it is not a sports centre, it is for everyone, all groups need to speak up now.

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