Monday, November 9, 2015

GBSRF User Group Meeting Thursday 05th November - 6.00pm Takaka Fire Station

                                                                                        GBSRF User Group Meeting
                                                                                        Thursday 05th November - 6.00pm
                                                                                             Takaka Fire Station
1 - Present
Netball - Faye Turnbull, Jessica Brunning
Rugby - Robert Chubb, Wayne Packard
GB A&P - Roger Rosser, Duncan McKenzie, Jean Wedderburn
GB Bridge - Jean Wedderburn, Alan Blackie, Lori Godden
GB Basketball - Brooks Byrne, Paul McConnon
Squash - John Byrne, Paul McConnon
Hockey - John Byrne
Senior Net - Jenny Maclaren, Sally Douglas, John Barraclough
GB Football - Adge Tucker, Kevin Winter
Recreation Park - Candy Wegener, Roger Tait
Takaka Fire Brigade - Philip Woolf
Camera Club - John Barraclough
Genealogy - John Barraclough
Specialised Structures - Lance Robinson
Project Manager - Don Robinson
GBSRF Committee - Dean Lund, Brian Harris, Sara Chapman, Philip Woolf, Roger Tait, Candy Wegener, John Byrne, Faye Turnbull
2 - Apologies
Peter Blasdale - GBSRF
Fleur Murray - GBSRF
Dave Myall - GBCW
3 - Matters Arising
a - On-Site Meeting - Dean and Philip ( GBSRF ) along with the Project Manager ( Don Robertson ) met with representatives of Gibbons Construction and Red Box Architects for an on-site meeting prior to the User Group meeting.
     The purpose of the meeting was to familarise first-hand the proposed changes to the original plans and the building site. During the on-site meeting the GBSRF members recommended that the building location be setback a
     further 2 metres from the white fencing ( field side ) to ensure an adequate flow of spectators and players. While this will increase the fire rating on the rear walls of the building it will achieve the best outcome for field sports and 
     the A&P Association. Gibbons advised that the additional cost of the firewall tilt slab construction will remain well within our original building budget.
b - User Group Meeting - Dean welcomed all user group members to the meeting and extended a special welcome to the representatives of Gibbons Construction and Red Box Architects. For the benefit of the User Group Dean  
     provided a brief summary of the tender process leading to the appointment of the successful tenderer and the subsequent meetings with the appointed contractor that have resulted in the finalised plans.
    Red Box Architects then provided a brief overview of the following :
Site Plan : the key changes to the positioning of the building which will now allow the squash and rugby sports groups to continue to utilise their facilities during the construction phase.
              : the changes to the proposed car parking areas.
              : the siting of the 2 external netball courts and the moving of the No 1 rugby field 10 metres north to accomodate this.
Building Plan : the key features of the design including materials to be utilised.
                     : the proposed changes to the original plan; the major items being the increased size of the function room and kitchen facilities and the modified changing rooms.
Virtual Tour : a walk through of each of the areas of the building was shown on screen to enable everyone to gain an appreciation of the relative size of each area and the flows between them.
                  : of particular interest was the flexibility and potential integration between facilities and the benefit that the viewing gallery will provide for spectators watching either squash, gymnasium or outside sports events.
                  : there was general approval with the available storage areas contained throughout the building and the provision for spectator seating in the gymnasium. 
User Group Questions/Responses : the adequacy of the width between the playing field and building was questioned given the need to cater for foot traffic along with spectators. It was generally felt that the 6 metre width was sufficient and there was the opportunity to gain a few extra metres by moving the No1 rugby field closer to the No 2 field if required.
Lighting Structures : a query was made if the building was specd to fix lighting poles to the roof structure. The answer to this was no.
Viewing Gallery Windows : a question was asked if it would be feasible to lower the height of the viewing gallery windows to enable spectators to view sporting activities outside from a seated position. This will be investigated.
Outside Seating : in response to a question on the potential for outside seating it was explained that there is an area on the gym wall where this could be possible. This is something that could be looked at when funding permitted.
John Byrne was complementary on the proposed plans and congratulated all those involved in bringing the project to this point. This was supported by general acclamation by those present
Gibbons Construction : a representative of the successful tenderer addressed the meeting and expressed their excitement to be involved and to bring the project to a successful conclusion. They understood how much this project meant to the Golden Bay community and having been previously involved in similar projects were confident of delivering the right outcome. They are also pleased to be working with a local company ( Specialised Structures ) on the project and where possible are happy to allow voluntary community contributions provided it meets all compliance requirements.
Fundraising : Sara Chapman ( GBSRF Fundraising Manager ) provided an overview of the current fundraising position and a summary of the proposed fundraising business plan. This included the proposed sources of funding from the various agencies and the timing for each application. A major part of the required community funding will hopefully come via corporate ( business ) support and it is not the expectation that each of the user groups will be required to individually raise funds. The two major community fundraising activities will be the helicopter rides at the 2016 A&P show and the major Community Event to hopefully coincide with the grand opening of our new facilities. There is an expectation that all User groups will provide their full support to these two important fundraising events.
General Business : Dean once again thanked our Design and Construction team for their attendance and valued input to date and reminded our User Group members that if they had any concerns regarding the project to ensure that these are passed on promptly to the GBSRF executive members in the appropriate manner. 
Dean will arrange for the concept plans to be e-mailed to all User Groups for their information.
Meeting Closed : 7.45pm. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

GBSRF Committee Meeting - Monday 19th October 2015

 GBSRF Committee Meeting - Monday 19th October 2015
                                                       Takaka Rugby Clubrooms - 6.15pm
1 - Present : Dean Lund, Brian Harris, Sara Chapman, Philip Woolf, Peter Blasdale, John Byrne, Roger Tait, Candy Wegener, Faye Turnbull.
2 - Apologies : Dave Myall
3 - Project Update : Construction of Netball Courts - Sara provided an update on the progress to date :-
a - Meeting held with the Netball executive to discuss the project plans and agree on a process for implementation.
b - Representatives from GBSRF and Netball met with Bill Dalbergh ( Trustee of Rata Foundation - previously Canterbury Community Trust ) in Nelson to discuss potential project funding. Bill agreed that an application for $50,000.00 should be made under the displacement grant fund. He stressed the benefit of ensuring the application underlined the multi-purpose benefits that the netball facility will bring to the community along with the obvious advantage of bringing suitable netball facilities back to the Bay.

" That GBSRF as a charitable entity supports the GB Netball Club and submits an application for $50,000.00 to the Rata Foundation seeking a donation for the construction of two netball courts for shared usage at Recreation Park, Takaka. "
Proposed : Sara Chapman  Seconded : Brian Harris   CARRIED
c - TDC have provided a cost breakdown of the $88K cost to construct the Collingwood Netball and Tennis facilities. A budget of $125K is believed to be achievable for the two courts and fencing. Sara has prepared a tentative funding budget on the basis of :
Rata Foundation   - $50,000.00
GB Netball            - $10,000.00
In Kind                 - $20,000.00
Pub Charity          - $30,000.00  ( Trillion Trust, Lion Foundation, Pub Charity $10,000.00 each )
ANZ Courtside      - $15,000.00 ( Fencing )   
d - The overall objective is to ensure that netball is being played back in Golden Bay by the start of the 2016 season commencing in March.
4 - Financial Pledges
Dean reported that all user groups had now deposited their respective contributions with the exception of the following groups :
Netball - awaiting the expiry of their term deposit
Squash - the small balance of their pledge about to be made.
Mountain biking - in hand
Bridge - their pledge will likely be reduced by the amount of the purchase of new tables that will remain permanently in situ' and available to all users.
5 - Operating Budget
Dean tabled the draft operating budget as provided to TDC for discussion. The budget provides for a small operating surplus and all agreed it was conservatively based.
The User Group annual fees were discussed and although there may be some adjustments to be made all agreed that the basis for setting the fees was fair and reasonable.
6 - Site and Facilities Plans
Philip took the committee through the key design features of the successful tender plans and the suggested modifications to be discussed with the contractor.
The current tender price is $350K under budget and any additional costs resulting from any agreed design changes can be met from these funds without adversely impacting on the overall project cost.
Philip reinforced the need to now consider key operational factors such as backboards/scoreboards/cabling requirements in the gym so they are incorporated into the final building plans.
7 - Going Forward
Both Dean and Philip along with the Project Manager will meet with the successful tenderer on Thursday 22nd October to discuss the proposed design changes and finalise plans.
It is proposed to present the final plans ( along with a 3D visual walk-through of the proposed complex from the Architects ) to a meeting of all User Groups before final sign-off.
8 - Fundraising
Dean stressed the need for the communities share of the fundraising to commence ASAP given our commitment to meet 50% of this amount before construction can commence in February 2016.
It was agreed that Corporate sponsorship provided the greatest scope for fundraising and discussion took place on the development of a suitable brochure to support the drive for funding support from this sector.
Candy asked if there was support for the development of a facebook page to help raise awareness of the project and to assist in fundraising efforts. It was agreed that it would be a useful tool provided it was being regularly updated with project updates and milestones.
9 - Rata Foundation Loans
Brian to seek information from the Rata website and pass on to Sara.
Meeting Closed - 8.00pm

Friday, August 21, 2015

Golden Bay Shared Recreation Facility Project User Group Meeting Tuesday 18th August - 6.00pm

                                                                        Golden Bay Shared Recreation Facility Project
                                                                                         User Group Meeting
                                                                                   Tuesday 18th August - 6.00pm
                                                                                 Takaka Rugby Football Clubrooms
Present : Wayne Packard, Robert Chubb - Rugby
            : Faye Turnbull, Jessica Bruning - Netball
            : Wayne Rothwell, David - GB Tennis
            : Corina Ward, Ricky Ward - Hockey
            : Roger Rosser, Duncan McKenzie - GB A&P
            :Sharon McConnon, Brooks Bryne - Basketball
            : Gary Balck, Sharon McConnon - Squash
            : Sally Douglas - Senior Net
            : Wouter de Maat - GB Search & Rescue
            : Alan Blackie - Bridge Club
            : Adge Tucker - GB AFC Football
            : Fleur Murray - Hockey/GBSRF
            : Mary Demlyn - Athletics
            : Peter Blasdale/ John Byrne - GBSRF
            : Dean Lund - Chair - GBSRF
             : Brian Harris - Secretary - GBSRF
Apologies : Philip Woolf, Sara Chapman, Roger Tait - GBSRF
               : Dave Myall - GBCW
               : Kevin Winter - GB AFC Football
1 - Project Update 
Dean provided the meeting with an overview of the key achievements and milestones over the last 12 months. He reported that there had been some significant and positive progress made over the last 8-10 weeks and all of the stakeholders were collectively committed to advancing the project expeditiously.
2 - Current Position and Timelines
Dean reported on the current status of the project including the advertising of ROI's, the shortlisting of the 4 selected companies by the Evaluation Panel and the preparation and issuing of tender documents to the successful companies. He then detailed the following key milestones and timelines for the meetings information :
Tenders Close :- 29 September 2015
Tenders e-mailed to Evaluation Panel :- 30 September 2015
Working Group Meets :- 01st October - 10.30am
Evaluation Panel Meets :- 01st October - 1.00pm
Full assessment of Preferred Tender :- Following Week ( during this period there will be the opportunity to come back to all User Groups for discussion ).
Preferred Tender to TDC Community Services Meeting :- 08th September 2015
Successful Tender to Tenders Panel for ratification :- 09th September 2015
Robert ( TRFC ) asked if some consideration could be given by the committee to the potential costs associated with retaining part or all of their facilities during the construction phase of the project given that the building programme will occur during the 2016 rugby season.
3 - Moving Forward
Assuming the successful tender meets all of the operational and pricing requirements the following timelines are envisaged :-
October - December 2015 - Resource and Building consent applications and approvals
February 2016 - Construction commences.
October 2016 - Construction completed.
Given that no tenders meet the required specifications or pricing criteria there will be the opportunity during this period to have negotiations with the preferred tenderer in an endeavour to reach a satisfactory outcome.
It has been agreed with TDC to treat the construction of the netball courts and carparking seperate from the building contract. ( these still form part of the overall project budget ) The potential benefit that this provides is twofold :- Firstly it enables the construction of the netball courts to proceed with the objective of ensuring completion prior to the 2016 season and secondly the opportunity to earn "in kind" community funding by completing a significant amount of the preparatory works via voluntary labour and donated equipment and materials. The GBSRF committee will have discussions with the Netball executive in September to further this initiative.
4 - Site Plan
The latest site plan was tabled and discussed. The key change from the original plan was the proposed re-siting of the netball courts to the area adjacent to Brownie's Inn. Members of the GB A&P expressed some concern with the potential impact this may have on some operational aspects of their annual show. It was agreed that members of the GBSRF will meet with A&P committee members on site to discuss and resolve these matters.
5 - User Group Consultation and Feedback
With the project now gaining momentum and having tight timelines Dean outlined the importance of having a communication structure that would provide the appropriate and timely response. From a Working Party perspective it was imperative that all communication and feedback was representative of each of the user groups committee and not that of an individual. With this in mind all communication should in the first instance be notified to the GBSRF Secretary via the appropriate User Group secretary. 
6 - Finance
a - User Group Pledges - With the TDC requirement for GBSRF to have 50% of the required community funding ( $400,000.00 ) committed prior to the release of the TDC project funding it was now timely for the User Groups to deposit their funds into the NBS Trust account. These funds would remain in the Trust account until the project was approved to proceed and in the event that this was not the case all funds would be returned to the respective User Groups. Dean will provide the bank account details to the User Groups to enable the individual pledges to be deposited.
b - Fundraising Plans - Dean explained to the meeting that it had been difficult to commence our fundraising programme whilst the lack of certainty around the project existed. With the recent positive project developments coupled with the tender completion in October it is proposed to ramp up our fundraising efforts to meet our budgeted targets. The following fundraising budget has been established :-
                                                                                 Budget                                     Confirmed
Lotteries                                                                   $400,000.00
Canterbury Community Trust                                      $150,000.00                              $100,000.00
Gaming Machine Trusts                                             $ 50,000.00
Public Events                                                            $ 20,000.00
Work In Kind ( Business )                                           $100,000.00
Work In Kind ( Locals )                                               $ 50,000.00
Corporate Sponsorship                                               $100,000.00
Local Business Sponsorship                                       $ 50,000.00
User Group Pledges                                                   $ 50,000.00                               $105,000.00
Public Donations                                                        $ 75,000.00                               $  7,000.00
Total                                                                         $1,045,000.00                            $212,000.00
A corporate brochure is being prepared to enable approaches to be made to locally associated companies for sponsorship once the project is confirmed.
Wayne ( TRFC ) asked if the GBSRF committee had considered corporate sponsorship based on naming rights. This was confirmed and this was supported by the meeting participants on the basis that the sum provided was in keeping with the accrued benefit.
7 - Work In Progress
Dean spoke on the initial work done on both the operational structure/governance and operating budget models. He conveyed to the meeting the interest that Steve Mitchell had conveyed to assist in any way required to complete these important tasks. Steve has already had considerable experience in developing successful models for similar sporting and recreational organisations.
8 - General Discussion
Dean spoke of the frustrations and setbacks that the project had endured over the past 5 years and the relief that we were finally started to get some positive progress towards achieving our goal. In response to a question put by Dean there was unanimous affirmation by all meeting participants of their ongoing support for the project
Meeting Closed - 7.15pm  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Update on activities with the proposed new community facility

 Update on activities with the proposed new community facility.
New Committee
Dean Lund               Chair                   525 6201 (W)
Peter Blasdale         Deputy Chair        03 547 5588 (H)
Brian Harris             Secretary             525 8599 (H)
Fleur Murray            Treasurer             525 6116 (H)
John Byrne             Committee            525 9867 (H)
Roger Tait              Committee            525 9321 (H)
Philip Woolf            Committee            027 451 6076
Faye Turnbull          Committee            525 9908 (H)
Sara Chapman        Committee           027 619 2271
Co-opted by Committee as/when necessary : Candy Wegener ( Fundraising )
                                                                   Leigh Crocker ( Accountant )
                                                                   Kevin Winter ( Soccer ) and others on a "as required" basis.
New members to our Executive and Committee include :-
  a - Faye Turnbull, lifetime involvement in the Golden Bay community and sports clubs.
  b - Brian Harris, has recently returned to Golden Bay after a 4 year appointment as Chief Executive of the Chatham Islands Enterprise Trust. Previous history of community sports coaching, projects and fundraising.
Committee Responsibilities
The following role responsibilities were confirmed at our June Committee meeting :
a - Fundraising
Funding Agencies/Corporates - Sara Chapman
Fundraising Activities - Candy Wegener
b - Communication
GB Weekly - Sara Chapman
Facebook - Candy Wegener
User Groups - Brian Harris/Dean Lund
If your Group is planning or organising a fundraising activity or require assistance with publicity do not hesitate to contact Sara ( ) or Candy ( )
Site Plan
The site plan has been modified to allow for the relocation of the netball courts to the area adjacent to Brownies Inn. This will provide additional carparking and better alignment of the new complex with the main sports field.
Netball are supportive of this move and, if required, allows for the work on the construction of the new courts to commence in advance of the main project.
There are some relatively minor issues that need to be resolved on behalf of the Fire Service and A&P Association but these are not thought to be insurmountable.
Project Design Plans
The cost estimates based on the Arthouse design plans have come in at $4.4million compared to our budget of $4million. These figures are better than what was initially anticipated and we are getting closer to reaching our budget figure without having to reduce the size of the building footprint or radically alter the proposed design parameters.
The committee believes that a design/build tender process will allow individual companies to bring innovation and price competitiveness in their respective bids which will hopefully allow us to reach our budgeted $4million target.
Don Robertson ( Project Manager ) is preparing specifications as a first step towards the distribution of tender documents to selected companies.
The next important milestone will be the TDC Community Services meeting on the 25th June where Susan Edwards will table the proposed plans and recommended process for approval. The following day (26th) the Working Group will meet to hopefully be in a position to ratify the agreed process and timeframes.
Further meetings with User Groups will be planned to ensure that all interested parties are fully informed and in agreement with the proposed process.
Canterbury Community Trust have very generously committed $100,000.00 subject to the project proceeding. Once the project goes to tender and there is real certainty with the project commencing the committee intends to ramp up the fundraising activities, particularly at a corporate level. I am sure that once construction activity commences on site our Golden Bay community will get in behind all fundraising activities in support of this valuable community asset.
In conclusion the Committee remain determined and confident that this project will be completed, despite the obvious setbacks over the last couple of years. As always, if you have any queries or concerns please contact Dean or any committee member to discuss and work through. We are only too willing to make time to address any issues as we are totally committed to ensuring we get things right.
GBRSF Committee  

Annual General Meeting 22nd April 2015

Minutes of the 4th Golden Bay Shared Recreational Facility Inc. AGM
6.30 pm Wednesday 22 April 2015, Takaka Rugby Club
Dean welcomed everyone present.

Peter Blasdale Vice Chair
Sara Chapman GBSRF Fundraising
Ollie Gleeson Search and Rescue
Brian Harris
Dean Lund Chair
Fleur Murray Treasurer and Hockey
Nicky Packard Football
Wayne Packard Rugby
Graham Pomeroy Search and Rescue
Jenny Pomeroy Secretary
Roger Tait Rugby Club and Rec Park
Faye Turnbull Netball
Philip Woolf GBSRF Committee member


Carol Baker Impact Youth Trust
Alan Blackie Bridge
John Byrne Hockey 
Sally Douglas Senior Net
Abbie Langford Boys & Girls A&P and Youth Council
Sharon McConnon Squash
Roger Rosser A&P Assoc
Jean Wedderburn A&P Assoc & Bridge 
Candy Wegener Fundraising

Moved that apologies be accepted (Dean / Jenny) carried

Minutes of 3rd AGM (3 April 2014)
Moved that these be taken as read and are a true and accurate record. (Jenny/Dean) carried

Matters Arising

Chair’s report
Dean read his report (attached)
Moved that this report be adopted (Dean / Philip) carried
Jenny thanked Dean for his work.

Treasurer’s report
Fleur presented accounts for the year (attached)
Moved that report be accepted (Fleur / Jenny) carried

Election of officers

Committee for 2015-2016
Position Nominated Seconded

Chair Dean Lund Fleur Pete
Vice Chair Peter Blasdale Roger Philip
Secretary Brian Harris Philip Roger
Treasurer Fleur Murray Dean Pete
Committee Members John Byrne Dean Jenny
Sara Chapman Dean Jenny
Roger Tait Dean Jenny
Faye Turnbull Dean Jenny
Philip Woolf Dean Jenny

All carried

Candy Wegener (fundraising), Leigh Crocker (accountant) and a football club rep (Kevin Winter) to be invited to meetings.  Committee can co-opt as necessary.

Moved that Cynthia Sampson review the accounts for 2015- 2016 (Fleur /Dean) carried

Moved that the subscription for 2015 - 2016 be $0. (Dean / Fleur) carried

General Business
Dean gave an update on recent developments:
  • Don Robertson, Tasman Projects has been appointed Project Manager.
  • The project is back on track albeit with a budget reduction of $625,000.
  • Concept plan that we have been working on was developed using the previous budget
  • Even though general inflation is low, it is still high within the building sector.
  • Golden Bay Facility Project Group are now looking at different (less expensive) ways of building it so that none of the elements are lost and all user groups are still catered for.
  • GBF Project Group will take no more than 2 months to see if a different design is achievable – their main focus is to keep everything in the plan.
  • Canterbury Community Trust grant has been confirmed.
  • User group pledges are over $100,000.  
  • There will be another open day (User groups and public, similar to February 2014) when final plan is decided.  User groups will then be asked to make good their pledge.
  • There will be regular updates in the Golden Bay Weekly  - fundraising total, project updates and fundraising events.
  • Sara Chapman will be overseeing and co-ordinating corporate fundraising and grant applications.  Candy Wegener will co-ordinate all local fundraising.
  • Naming rights and sponsorship will be investigated once the plan is finalised.
Once the project gets close to completion an operational committee will take over – it will be a new committee, but could involve the same people.
  • All keen that netball are the first group catered for, as they do not have a full court at present. 
  • Three GB teams are currently playing in Motueka on Saturdays as there is no suitable court in Golden Bay
  • Netball would be happy to have courts on Park Ave, rather than on Rec Park level, especially if it meant that they could be up and running for 2016 season.
  • In time and as funds permited would then like to see hill landscaped so that there was continuity between the two levels
  • Netball will monitor the trees / shade / frost situation on Park Ave during winter 2015.
  • Netball would prefer 3 courts with no fencing, than 2 courts with fencing
Long Term Plan
Our hearing is on 1 May at 10.20 in Takaka Fire Station.  
Brian Harris
Brian, our new secretary, gave an overview of a similar project he has been involved with in the Chatham Islands.  His main points were:
  • Retain footprint
  • Keep all user groups involved – strength in numbers, both from fundraising point of view, but ultimately for the health of the centre
  • Anything that is removed now because of reduction in budget will be regretted down the line, so stick to your guns

Meeting closed 7.45pm

Golden Bay Shared Recreational Facility Incorporated

Annual General Meeting  22nd April 2015

Chairman's Report

Welcome to the 4th Annual General Meeting of the Golden Bay Shared Recreational Facility Incorporated.  It certainly seems we have been operational a lot longer than the four years.

To be fair the past 12 months has been one of fluctuating fortunes and I admit to being a little disappointed we are yet to put a spade in the ground.

However upon reflection we have actually achieved a great deal over the past four years.  We need to remember that this time last year we didn’t actually have a Project; with the funding having been cut from the Council’s short and long term plans.

On the back of a huge uprising from the local community, making it very clear to our Council that this decision was not acceptable, we were successful in having our Community Project reinstated into both the Annual and Long Term Plans, albeit with a reduced budget.

This was a tremendous effort by all involved, with that effort reflected in the fact that our Project was the most submitted on Project in the whole of the Tasman District during the 2014 Plan consultation.

This outstanding community response certainly gave this committee real encouragement and energy to continue our work to see this Project to fruition.  It certainly gave me the confidence that we are heading down the right track and that it is what the vast majority of Golden Bay residents want and deserve.

There is no getting away from the fact that the population (young, old and generations to follow) are under-provided for in Golden Bay; with either substandard and deteriorating existing facilities or no facilities whatsoever.

Another real positive this year was the positive response to the request for pledges from the User Groups to kick-ff fundraising for this facility. A total of $101,850 was forthcoming which exceeded our expectations.

Our approach, and correctly so, has been a ‘softly softly’ start to the fundraising campaign.  However as we near the point of confirming final design this aspect will certainly ramp up and will demand a big effort from the whole community.

While on the face of it publicly, it appears little has been progressed over the past 12 months, however a great deal or work is happening in the background.

The current focus of this work is revolving around massaging the existing Concept Plan into the reduced budget.  The committee is absolutely determined to do this without any impact upon size or scope of what is currently proposed.  This is obviously no simple task but one we are determined to succeed in.

I would like to thank the Committee for their effort and patience over the past year.  Every little bit of help and effort goes along way.

In particular I would like to single out Jenny Pomeroy for special mention.  Jenny has been right at the forefront of this project from the start and I cannot thank her enough for the time and efforts she has put in; the level of commitment at her own personal cost she has invested into this project and the understated but professional hard-nose she has brought to the table.  She has certainly made my position significantly easier to manage.  It is with real regret, but totally understandable, the due to her pending relocation to Nelson that Jenny will not be seeking re-election to our Committee.  On behalf of our Committee and the community of Golden Bay I extend a warm thank you for your unrivalled contribution to our Project.

From here, we all need to keep working away in a positive and collaborative manner, knowing full well that this Project is very important to Golden Bay going forward and with the goal that by this time next year we will be seeing something special under construction on this very site.

Dean Lund
Golden Bay Shared Recreational Facility Incorporated
