Monday, November 9, 2015

GBSRF User Group Meeting Thursday 05th November - 6.00pm Takaka Fire Station

                                                                                        GBSRF User Group Meeting
                                                                                        Thursday 05th November - 6.00pm
                                                                                             Takaka Fire Station
1 - Present
Netball - Faye Turnbull, Jessica Brunning
Rugby - Robert Chubb, Wayne Packard
GB A&P - Roger Rosser, Duncan McKenzie, Jean Wedderburn
GB Bridge - Jean Wedderburn, Alan Blackie, Lori Godden
GB Basketball - Brooks Byrne, Paul McConnon
Squash - John Byrne, Paul McConnon
Hockey - John Byrne
Senior Net - Jenny Maclaren, Sally Douglas, John Barraclough
GB Football - Adge Tucker, Kevin Winter
Recreation Park - Candy Wegener, Roger Tait
Takaka Fire Brigade - Philip Woolf
Camera Club - John Barraclough
Genealogy - John Barraclough
Specialised Structures - Lance Robinson
Project Manager - Don Robinson
GBSRF Committee - Dean Lund, Brian Harris, Sara Chapman, Philip Woolf, Roger Tait, Candy Wegener, John Byrne, Faye Turnbull
2 - Apologies
Peter Blasdale - GBSRF
Fleur Murray - GBSRF
Dave Myall - GBCW
3 - Matters Arising
a - On-Site Meeting - Dean and Philip ( GBSRF ) along with the Project Manager ( Don Robertson ) met with representatives of Gibbons Construction and Red Box Architects for an on-site meeting prior to the User Group meeting.
     The purpose of the meeting was to familarise first-hand the proposed changes to the original plans and the building site. During the on-site meeting the GBSRF members recommended that the building location be setback a
     further 2 metres from the white fencing ( field side ) to ensure an adequate flow of spectators and players. While this will increase the fire rating on the rear walls of the building it will achieve the best outcome for field sports and 
     the A&P Association. Gibbons advised that the additional cost of the firewall tilt slab construction will remain well within our original building budget.
b - User Group Meeting - Dean welcomed all user group members to the meeting and extended a special welcome to the representatives of Gibbons Construction and Red Box Architects. For the benefit of the User Group Dean  
     provided a brief summary of the tender process leading to the appointment of the successful tenderer and the subsequent meetings with the appointed contractor that have resulted in the finalised plans.
    Red Box Architects then provided a brief overview of the following :
Site Plan : the key changes to the positioning of the building which will now allow the squash and rugby sports groups to continue to utilise their facilities during the construction phase.
              : the changes to the proposed car parking areas.
              : the siting of the 2 external netball courts and the moving of the No 1 rugby field 10 metres north to accomodate this.
Building Plan : the key features of the design including materials to be utilised.
                     : the proposed changes to the original plan; the major items being the increased size of the function room and kitchen facilities and the modified changing rooms.
Virtual Tour : a walk through of each of the areas of the building was shown on screen to enable everyone to gain an appreciation of the relative size of each area and the flows between them.
                  : of particular interest was the flexibility and potential integration between facilities and the benefit that the viewing gallery will provide for spectators watching either squash, gymnasium or outside sports events.
                  : there was general approval with the available storage areas contained throughout the building and the provision for spectator seating in the gymnasium. 
User Group Questions/Responses : the adequacy of the width between the playing field and building was questioned given the need to cater for foot traffic along with spectators. It was generally felt that the 6 metre width was sufficient and there was the opportunity to gain a few extra metres by moving the No1 rugby field closer to the No 2 field if required.
Lighting Structures : a query was made if the building was specd to fix lighting poles to the roof structure. The answer to this was no.
Viewing Gallery Windows : a question was asked if it would be feasible to lower the height of the viewing gallery windows to enable spectators to view sporting activities outside from a seated position. This will be investigated.
Outside Seating : in response to a question on the potential for outside seating it was explained that there is an area on the gym wall where this could be possible. This is something that could be looked at when funding permitted.
John Byrne was complementary on the proposed plans and congratulated all those involved in bringing the project to this point. This was supported by general acclamation by those present
Gibbons Construction : a representative of the successful tenderer addressed the meeting and expressed their excitement to be involved and to bring the project to a successful conclusion. They understood how much this project meant to the Golden Bay community and having been previously involved in similar projects were confident of delivering the right outcome. They are also pleased to be working with a local company ( Specialised Structures ) on the project and where possible are happy to allow voluntary community contributions provided it meets all compliance requirements.
Fundraising : Sara Chapman ( GBSRF Fundraising Manager ) provided an overview of the current fundraising position and a summary of the proposed fundraising business plan. This included the proposed sources of funding from the various agencies and the timing for each application. A major part of the required community funding will hopefully come via corporate ( business ) support and it is not the expectation that each of the user groups will be required to individually raise funds. The two major community fundraising activities will be the helicopter rides at the 2016 A&P show and the major Community Event to hopefully coincide with the grand opening of our new facilities. There is an expectation that all User groups will provide their full support to these two important fundraising events.
General Business : Dean once again thanked our Design and Construction team for their attendance and valued input to date and reminded our User Group members that if they had any concerns regarding the project to ensure that these are passed on promptly to the GBSRF executive members in the appropriate manner. 
Dean will arrange for the concept plans to be e-mailed to all User Groups for their information.
Meeting Closed : 7.45pm. 

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